所羅門簡介::所羅門王(希伯來語: שְׁלֹמֹה)。根據舊約的記載,他曾是以色列耶路撒冷的一代帝王,據希伯來聖經的記載,所羅門王是大衛與拔示巴的兒子,以色列王國的第三任君主,並且是北方的以色列王國和南方的猶太王國分裂之前的最後一位君主。 據聖經記載,所羅門王是耶路撒冷第一聖殿的建造者,並有超人的智慧,大量的財富和無上的權利。但最後由於所羅門王的罪過(包括邪神崇拜和背棄神的旨意)導致在他的兒子羅波安執政時期王國發生了分裂。





2012年2月19日 星期日


Dear all,
Thanks God, and tks for all your prayers, the centre has been transferred to another high school teacher,
this week will be the last week, my wife and her sister going to the centre and help out, from next week on,
they will be working on 1 job, we thank God for giving us this experience,  we will put our priority in our kids first
from now on, hoping that they dont need to go to tutorial centre as they grow up.
And also i believe God will not want to see us over-worked ourselves as well.  so brothers, take my advice,
dont cook yourself, and stay in line with God's words thats in your heart.  He will silently guide you through.
see if we can make up a time for going to the hot spring together, ok?
due brothers, especially those fathers, do need a relaxing break once in a while just for walking a longing path down the road.
Special Thanks to Sunny, Mike and ZK for helping me out during this whole thing.  remind me to repay you, ok, or i will
forget, ok???


